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fCC Orphanage Assistance

Letter to Supporters and the Community

One of our three girls groups that meets monthly. These groups are immensely important to those involved and for us to provide for our community.We are grateful for the commitment and support of our donors and of CAA, formerly FCC - Greater New York, for their commitment and support since the inception of Families with Children from China in 1995. The generosity of our donors over the years enabled us to make a difference in the lives of so many children in China’s orphanages.
As FCCNY transitioned to Chinese Adoptee Alliance under the leadership of adult adoptees and with its own mission, interests, and concerns, FCC Orphanage Assistance found a new path to continuing our work on behalf of children coming into orphanage care in China.

Announcing New FCC Orphanage Assistance Partnership

As of November, 2023, we are pleased to announce the alliance between Families with Children from China’s Orphanage Assistance program ( and Jiangxi China Orphan Aid (, a 501(c)(3) organization of China adoptive parents This alliance will permit FCC’s Orphanage Assistance’s 27-year history of vital programs for vulnerable children in China not only to continue but to grow and flourish.

While FCC Orphanage Assistance and Jiangxi China Orphan Aid will continue their own separate programming in China through the Amity Foundation, the partnership will allow us to share the 501(c)(3) status that makes donations tax-deductible.  A fitting match, both organizations emerged from the desire of adoptive parents to assist children remaining in China’s orphanages, both have a long history of working successfully with the Amity Foundation to make a real difference for children in need, and both organizations guarantee that 100 percent of donations they receive will support children in China.

Contributions to Families with Children from China’s Orphanage Assistance are tax-deductible. In partnership with Jiangxi China Orphan Aid, FCC Orphanage Assistance’s innovative programs such as community-based model resource centers, integrated child-centered family care, and parenting programs for foster parents will continue this important life-altering work on behalf of children. 

Please note that the Chinese Adoptee Alliance (formerly FCCNY) an adoptee-centered non-profit deserving of our support as well, is now an organization distinct from FCC Orphanage Assistance.

Please visit our secure website for more information and to make a donation to support vulnerable children in orphanage care in China.

Chinese Adoptee Alliance
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and allies.
"C double A", formerly FCCNY.

PO Box 21670
2300 18th St NW Lobby
Washington, DC 20009 

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