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CASE: Navigating Life through the Lens of an Adult Adoptee PT 2 - Live Webinar

  • 04/15/2021
  • 7:00 PM
  • live webinar

CASE Strengthening Your Family Webinar Series

Thursday, April 15th 7:00pm-8:30pm EST

About the Webinar

The adult adoptee has spent time in their lives absorbing how other people feel about adoption, making a plan for adoption or simply the decision to adopt.This course will present information from the Adult adoptee’s perspective, their reactions and their quest for information.

Participants will learn the following during the two-part series:

  • What adoption means to the Adult Adoptee
  • The feeling of loss from the perspective of the Adult Adoptee
  • How some Adult Adoptees view their identity
  • How Adult Adoptees approach relationships

Presenter: April Dinwoodie, Founder of  “AdoptMent”; Trainer

Panelists: a panel discussion with Marissa Martin, Marcus & Dylan

Cost: $15 - Use Coupon Code: navig2


Chinese Adoptee Alliance
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and allies.
"C double A", formerly FCCNY.

PO Box 21670
2300 18th St NW Lobby
Washington, DC 20009 

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