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Asian Adoptees for Black Lives Matter

  • 07/10/2020
  • 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
  • Zoom - registration 24hrs in advance required


  • if you do not identify as an Asian Adoptee, please respect that this event is not for you.

Asian Adoptees for Black Lives Matter

July 10th 1:00-2:30pm EDT

A conversation and discussion with Emily Thornton and her husband Bruce "Eric" Thornton, and facilitated by Joy Lieberthal, on how Asian Adoptees can be supportive and effective allies.

This event is for Adoptees ONLY. Please register ahead of time to be emailed a zoom link. Registration will close 24 hrs before the event.

The aims of this conversation will be:

1. How to acknowledge privilege, and what that looks like for Asian Adoptees.
2. How/What can Asian Adoptees do to support?
3. How can, and to what extent, should NBPOC and TRA start conversations with White people, their parents, and others about this?

This conversation is for Asian Adoptees (16+) and is intended to be a space to share and process our unique experiences. We will be speaking from personal experiences. Please respect that all personal information that is discussed is to be kept private and not to be shared outside of this forum.


About our speakers: