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Also-known-as K(AD)-Beauty Show-and-Tell

  • 03/21/2019
  • TBD

K(AD)-Beauty Show-and-Tell 3/21
Korean beauty trends, products, and styles have taken the world by storm! The international popularity of the K-Beauty market means that the products have become more accessible overseas. The chance to experiment with these products is particularly meaningful for Asian Americans, as it was only years ago that we rarely, if ever, had the opportunity to use anything beauty-related specifically formulated with us in mind. This significance is doubled for Asian adoptees, as many of us were surrounded by largely non-Asian beauty influences growing up.

But what is a signature K-Beauty look? How is achieved? Is it reliant on Korean products, or can it be achieved with Western brands? Can I still do a Western look with my Asian features? Why is skin care so important (and what is this 10-step routine everyone’s talking about?!)? All of these questions and more will be addressed in our beauty show-and-tell!

Join Beauty Instagrammer Tori Smith (@toriminmakeup) as she guides us through our personal beauty routines from skincare to makeup and everything in-between!

This event is suitable for beauty lovers of all skill levels, from beginners to beauty gurus!*

*Please bring your own favorite makeup and skincare products! Some products will be provided.

WHO: K-Beauty Fans!
WHEN: Thursday, March 21st 6:45pm - 8:45pm
COST: $5 for non-members, FREE for members.
RSVP: Email to RSVP and for questions

About Tori Smith

Tori Smith was born in Daejeon, South Korea and adopted to the U.S. at five months old. She studied classical piano and writing at The Crane School of Music at SUNY Potsdam, and is currently the editorial assistant at global news outlet Quartz, as well as a staff writer at Mochi Magazine, an online magazine dedicated to young Asian American women. You can follow along with her passion for all things beauty in her Instagram account @toriminmakeup, where she smears pigments and chemicals on her face and arms and writes about them.

Chinese Adoptee Alliance
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and allies.
"C double A", formerly FCCNY.

PO Box 21670
2300 18th St NW Lobby
Washington, DC 20009 

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