Yale Lunarfest Year of the PIG
Lunarfest is a celebration of the Lunar New Year and Chinese culture, offering arts and cultural programs for adults and children throughout the city of New Haven and at Yale. Special events are programmed in January and February, but save the date for the big day on Saturday, February 16, 2019, which kicks off with a parade at 10:00AM down Whitney Avenue and Audubon Street (between Grove and Trumbull Street). Then head indoors to visit many or all of our venues with special activities and programs featuring food, art, music, literature, and dance.
Lunarfest is a day-long event offering arts and cultural programs for adults and children of all ages in celebration of the Lunar New Year, kicking off with the Lion Dance down Whitney Avenue! https://lunarfest.yalechina.org/ Lunarfest kicks off at 10:00AM with a traditional lion dance on Whitney Avenue between Grove Street and Trumbull Street. The venue locations for Lunarfest are: Henry R. Luce Hall at Yale University (34 Hillhouse Avenue), New Haven Museum (114 Whitney Avenue), and Yale-China Association (442 Temple Street). All events are free and open to the public.
Chinese Adoptee AllianceWe are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and allies. "C double A", formerly FCCNY.
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