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FCCNY January Young Adult Monthly Discussion

  • 01/26/2019
  • 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Manhattan


  • Please sign up for a YA account if you do not have one.

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FCCNY Monthly YA Discussion

Rachel and Hannah will be facilitating a monthly discussion group
for Young Adult Chinese adoptees!

Their fifth meeting will be held Saturday January 26th,
12pm-2pm, in Manhattan.
Exact location will be provided upon registration here with your YA account.

This month's discussion topic is "Chinese Cultural Education." 

Discussion starter questions below:
- What is your relationship with Chinese culture currently? When you were growing up? Was there a notable shift at any point? 
- Do you feel connected with the culture, considering it your own? 
- What were your sources for information about Chinese culture?
- What efforts did they make to normalize adoption and inform you about Chinese culture?
- Chinese school/cultural programs? 
- Chinese/Chinese American peers? 
- Adoption group? 
- Did your parent(s) present these opportunities to you as a “choice” or did you feel pressured to participate?
- Did you have access to a Chinatown growing up? Did you feel a part of that community?
- What Chinese cultural activities have you participated in growing up? Currently? For example:
- Cook and/or eat Chinese cuisine?
- Celebrate Chinese holidays or traditions?
- Take language classes? If not, have you had a desire to?
- Take Chinese dance classes? If so, what were the demographics of the instructors and participants? 
- How much have you learned about China, Chinese culture, and Chinese/Chinese American population in the American school system (including college)?
- How might the amount of knowledge you know about China/Chinese Americans’ culture and history affect your feelings of ownership and participation in Chinese culture? 
- Are you part of Chinese/Chinese American/Asian/Asian American groups or communities? 
- Organizations? Online forums/groups?
- If so, have you learned much about Chinese culture through them?
- Why did you join these groups/communities? 
- With Facebook groups that manifest Asian/Asian American-focused content (e.g., “Subtle Asian Traits”, Angry Asian Man) do you feel like you are part of the target audience or part of the conversation?


We would like to facilitate discussion about topics such as racial identity development, racism and discrimination, and feelings about being adopted. The goal is for us to share and explore similarities and differences in our experiences in a supportive setting and talk about experiences and feelings that non-Chinese adoptees can’t necessarily relate to.

** This forum is only open to Chinese Adoptees ages 18 and older. We will be speaking from personal experiences and this event is inclusive of all genders and orientations. Please respect that all personal information that is discussed is to be kept private and not to be shared outside of the forum. This forum is not being moderated by a therapist or an expert; this is not meant to replace professional help. Advice-giving is discouraged. **

Questions or comments:

Chinese Adoptee Alliance
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and allies.
"C double A", formerly FCCNY.

PO Box 21670
2300 18th St NW Lobby
Washington, DC 20009 

Questions, Comments, Concerns?
Reach out to us and send us an email!

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