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AKA Adoptee Forum: Found Connections: Adoptee Solidarity

  • 11/26/2018
  • 6:45 PM
  • KPMG, 345 Park Ave, New York, NY

AKA Adoptee Forum 11/26
Found Connections: Adoptee Solidarity

Adoptee solidarity and healing in the wake of current events around family separation

This event will be part performance, panel, discussion, and workshop. We will encourage exploration, reflection, healing, and action as we connect our experiences to other communities undergoing racialized family separation. We will create space to articulate connections between our experiences as adoptees to the current human rights violations and traumas tied to family separation at the border and domestic adoption (specifically the Hart family tragedy). We do this work together, in order to continue our collective healing and to find solidarity threads to lead us to specific action to support those experiencing forced separation in the current moment. 

WHO: International Adoptees 18+
WHEN: November 26, 6:45pm - 8:45pm
WHERE: 345 Park Ave, New York, NY (use Lexington entrance, tell the desk you are a guest of Jonas Eberle of KPMG)
COST: FREE for members; $5 suggested donation for non-members
RSVP: PM Bianca Kuijper to RSVP and for questions
Amy Mihyang Ginther is a queer, transracial, Korean American adoptee, award-winning theatre-maker, and professor at UCSC. Her research and performance work focuses on the intersection of the body, voice, identity, and power. Amy has written about identity, race, and adoption in Modern Loss, The Toast, Transracial Eyes, and has been featured in Forbes, New York Times Magazine, Reuters, Al Jazeera, The Wall Street Journal, and KoreAm. She is currently performing her new show, Homeful, at the United Solo Festival with one more performance on Nov. 2nd.

April Dinwoodie is a transracially adopted person and host of the podcast “Born in June, Raised in April: What Adoption Can Teach the World!” She is the founder of Adoptment, a mentoring program that matches foster youth with adopted adults, and is retained by clients, including schools, organizations and individuals to facilitate discussions and workshops surrounding adoption, identity and family with a specific focus on differences of race, class and culture. Before she entered the nonprofit world, Dinwoodie served as a senior level marketing and branding executive.

*** The purpose of Also-Known-As adoptee forums is to create a confidential and safe space for adoptees to discuss personal topics. These forums are only open to adoptees. While we welcome community supporters, friends, and families of adoptees to many of our events, our forums are closed to non-adoptees. ***

Chinese Adoptee Alliance
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and allies.
"C double A", formerly FCCNY.

PO Box 21670
2300 18th St NW Lobby
Washington, DC 20009 

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