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Also-known-as Adoptee Forum: Race, Racism, and Identity

  • 05/21/2018
  • 6:45 AM
  • Mannheim - 712 Fifth Ave, 32nd Fl. Entrance on south side of West 56th, NY, NY

Adoptee Forum: Race, Racism, and Identity 5/21

The role of racial identity in impacting the sense of self, relationships, and experiences of belonging and not belonging.

In this forum facilitated by Kacy Ames, participants will be invited to explore and share their individual experiences around race, racism and racial identity. Participants will explore and process the meaning of race in their own identity and in their experience of family. Participants will also discuss ways that their relationship to race impacts their interpersonal connections, their choices and their experiences with friends and intimate partners. Participants will be able to explore how racial identity and racism have molded experiences around belonging and not belonging within themselves, their families, their communities, their close relationships and their work experiences.

WHO: International adoptees
WHEN: Monday, May 21 at 6:45pm - 8:45pm
WHERE: Mannheim - 712 Fifth Ave, 32nd Fl.  Entrance on south side of West 56th.
COST: FREE for members; $5 suggested donation for non-members
RSVP: Email Bianca to RSVP and for questions

Kacy Ames Biography

Kacy Ames is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker with a private practice in NYC where she works with individuals, couples and families touched by adoption. She also works with families at the Ackerman Institute for the Family in their Foster Care and Adoption Project. Kacy is a Korean American transracial adoptee. She was adopted through intercountry adoption from Korea. Kacy received her Masters in Social Work from Columbia University and did her postgraduate training in couples and family therapy at the Ackerman Institute for the Family and in adoption therapy at Hunter College School of Social Work. Kacy has facilitated groups for adoptees through Bank Street School, Families with Children from China (FCC), and All Together Now (ATN). She has spoken on themes of adoption at numerous conferences and workshops throughout North America. She was a former columnist for Adoption Today where she wrote on themes of adoption and invited other adoptees to contribute pieces on their experiences relating to adoption.

*** Also-Known-As adoptee forums are open to only international adoptees. The purpose of these forums are to create a confidential and safe space for adoptees to discuss personal topics. While we welcome community supporters, friends, and families of adoptees to many of our events, our forums are closed to non-adoptees. ***

Chinese Adoptee Alliance
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and allies.
"C double A", formerly FCCNY.

PO Box 21670
2300 18th St NW Lobby
Washington, DC 20009 

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