AKA Adoptee Forum: Do you celebrate 'Gotcha Day'
Arrival Day, Airplane Day, Anniversary, Gotcha Day...these are some of the terms used for the date you arrived into your adoptive family. Some celebrate it like a birthday, others ignore it, and still others can find it upsetting.
Share your thoughts with other adoptees on the meaning of this day. If you celebrate, what are your favorite memories and traditions? If not, why not? Does our attitude toward this day say something about how we feel about adoption or ourselves?
Lisa Gibson, board member of FCCNY, will be moderating this discussion.
* WHO: International adoptees only
* WHEN: Monday, October 23, 2017, 6:45pm - 8:45pm
* WHERE: 345 Park Ave, New York, NY (use Lexington entrance, check-in at front desk)
* COST: FREE for members; suggested $5 for non-members
* RSVP: Please contact Bianca Kuijper, bkuijper@alsoknownas.org, for more information and to rsvp.
* AFTER: Drinks after the forum at Cornerstone Tavern - 961 2nd Ave, New York, NY 10022
The purpose of Also-Known-As adoptee forums is to create a confidential and safe space for adoptees to discuss personal topics. These forums are only open to international adoptees. While we welcome community supporters, friends, and families of adoptees to many of our events, our forums are closed to non-adoptees.