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KAAN 2016 Conference in Pittsburgh, PA

  • 06/24/2016
  • 06/26/2016
  • Pittsburgh, PA

June 24-26, 2016 KAAN 2016 Conference in Pittsburgh, PA

Korean American Adoptee Adoptive Family Network (KAAN) 2016 Conference June 24-26, 201 inPittsburgh, PA KAAN is a national nonprofit with an all-volunteer staff. Our mission is to build understanding and stronger connections among adoptees, adoptive and birth families, Koreans, and Korean-Americans. Since 1998 we have nurtured a network of individuals and organizations related to Korean adoption, connecting the community through our annual conferences and frequent newsletters of events and opportunities from around the nation and world. We also welcome members of other international or interethnic adoptive communities, as we often share some common experiences and can learn from each other.

Chinese Adoptee Alliance
We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization supporting Chinese adoptees and allies.
"C double A", formerly FCCNY.

PO Box 21670
2300 18th St NW Lobby
Washington, DC 20009 

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